San Diego, CA
Two new 5-story and 6-story Mixed-Use Apartment Buildings, with 179-units in Building A and 255-units in Building B in Mission Valley, each sitting above one-level Type I-A subterranean concrete parking structure. Building A consists of one story of Type I-A concrete podium slabs, below four stories of Type V-A framed apartment units above; Building B consists of two stories of Type I-A concrete podium slabs, below four stories of Type V-A units above. Meier Construction, Inc's scope of work is for Structural Concrete.
The basement is conventional isolated spread foundations, continuous foundations and MAT Foundations, below a slab-on-grade. The suspended decks are Post-Tension Reinforced.
Our scope's construction began March 2018, and is expected to be completed in Q4 of 2018 and Q1 of 2019.
The General Contractor on this project is Reylenn Properties, LLC.